2005. Análise morfológica de um texto Karajá. In Rodrigues, Aryon D. & Ana Suelly A. C. Cabral (orgs.), Novos Estudos sobre Línguas Indígenas, p. 99-128. Brasília: Editora UnB. [download]
2002. Direction in Karajá. In Fernández, Zarina Estrada & Ciscomani, Rosa María Ortiz (editors), Memorias: VI Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste, 39-58. Hermosillo, Sonora (Mexico): Editorial UniSon. [download]
2002. Directionality in vowel harmony: the case of Karajá (Macro-Jê). In Larson, Julie & Paster, Mary (editors), Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: General Session and Parassession on Field Linguistics, 475-485. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society. [download]
2001. Empréstimos Tupí-Guaraní em Karajá. Revista do Museu Antropológico, 5/6:75-100. Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil: Editora da UFG. [download]
2012. Final consonants in Maxakalí and their comparative status. LIAMES 12, p. 189-193. [download]
2006. Macro-Jê. In Brown, Keith (editor-in-chief) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd edition), volume 7, pp. 422-426. Oxford: Elsevier. [download]
2009. O Catecismo Purí do Pe. Francisco das Chagas Lima. Cadernos de Etnolingüística, volume 1, número 1. [download]
2009. Old data, new cognates: the case of the 'marker of alienable possession' in the Kamakã, Purí, and Krenák families. Cadernos de Etnolingüística, Série Notas, número 2. [download]
2011. Prefixos relacionais como evidência histórico-comparativa: os casos Chiquitano e Jabutí. In Cabral, Ana Suelly Arruda Câmara et al. (org.) Línguas e Culturas Macro-Jê, vol. 2, p. 105-120. Campinas, SP: Curt Nimuendajú; Brasília: Laboratório de Línguas Indígenas.
2009. Tapuya connections: language contact in eastern Brazil. Liames, 9, p. 61-76. [download]
2012. The 'animal' possessive morpheme in Chiquitano and Boróro: common inheritance or borrowing? [This paper, given here in very preliminary form, was accepted for presentation at the IV Amazónicas, in Lima, April, 2012. Since I was unable to attend the conference, I share it here in order to benefit from our colleagues' comments and suggestions.] [download]
2010. Ribeiro, Eduardo Rivail & Hein van der Voort. Nimuendajú was right: the inclusion of the Jabutí language family in the Macro-Jê stock. International Journal of American Linguistics, no. 4, p. 517–70. [download]
2002. The prefix u- in Karirí (with some Macro-Jê notes). In Castillo, Jeanie (editor), Santa Barbara Papers in Linguistics, volume 13 (Proceedings from the fifth Workshop on American Indigenous Languages, April 26-28, 2002), p. 75-88. Santa Barbara: UCSB, Dept. of Linguistics.
2001. Towards a non-linear account of plural marking in the ‘Caipira’ dialect of Brazilian Portuguese. In Andronis, Mary et al. (editors), Proceedings from the Main Session of the 37th Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society: Volume 37-1, 469-479. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. [download]
2003. Uma hipótese sobre a origem do padrão ergativo em algumas línguas Jê setentrionais. [Este trabalho foi inscrito para apresentação durante o II Encontro do Grupo de Estudos Lingüísticos do Centro-Oeste, realizado em Goiânia em outubro de 2003, na mesa-redonda (organizada por mim) 'Sujeito cindido em Tupí, Karib e Macro-Jê: um epifenômeno?' (da qual, infelizmente, não pude participar).] [download]
2001. Valence, voice, and noun incorporation in Karajá. In Chang, Charles et al. (editors), Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: General Session and Parassession on Gesture and Language, 229-243. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society. [download]